The town located on the Prut River was called Polish Interlaken before the war. No wonder - just like its Swiss "brother", the town is surrounded by amazing views, and just like the Swiss, you can relax here in summer and winter, hiking in the mountains or skiing.
Tourists in Yaremcha
Yaremcha, borderland Switzerland, photo: IR3N
In 1928, the town gained the status of a health resort and easily competed with Zakopane, Krynica and nearby Worochta. It was in Yaremcha that Prime Minister Kazimierz Bartel (later murdered by the Germans in Lviv) had his villa, and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz and the master of painting Wojciech Kossak "repaired" their health.
In addition to its obvious health benefits, pre-war Yaremcha boasted a bridge, which seemed common in towns located on the river. It was not just any bridge - hailed as "the greatest work of road architecture", it was a model for the builders of Alpine railway routes.
Despite the war, changes in borders and name (from Yaremcha to Yaremche), this place has still not lost its charm or values and is eagerly visited by tourists.