XXXI World Youth Day - a meeting of young Catholics, which took place between July 26–31, 2016 in Krakow. Information concerning the organization of that event was given by Pope Francis during the closing mass of the XXVIII World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. The meeting of young people was held under the citation "Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy" (Mt 5:7).
Logo of WYD 2016, photo: Wikipedia
This was the second time, after the VI WYD in Częstochowa in 1991, when WYD was held in Poland .
On April 13, 2014, Brazilian youth handed over the World Youth Day Cross and the Icon of the Mother of God to Polish representatives. On April 14, 2014, the Cross and the Icon of the Mother of God arrived in Poland. Their pilgrimage across the country began in the Archdiocese of Poznań, and on May 20, 2016, they reached the Archdiocese of Kraków.
WYD 2016 was the goal of Pope Francis' apostolic journey to Poland, who, in addition to participating in the main events, visited, among others, the sanctuary at Jasna Góra and the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
Young people from China also came to Kraków for World Youth Day. Some of the youth were turned back from the airport by Chinese airport services on charges of "violating the guidelines on foreign travel." Their passports were taken away and they were threatened with "serious consequences".
Between July 29-30, 2017, the Tauron Arena Kraków hosted the concert "Youth - a project of life" to mark the 1st anniversary of WYD in Kraków.
Source - Wikipedia