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Singer and stage actress Rena Rolska has died

Rena Rolska, a singer and stage actress, performer of many popular hits, including: "Golden Ring" and "I'm Not Expecting Anyone Today", the actress who plays the role of an unruly schoolgirl called to the blackboard in the radio program "Afternoon Tea at the Microphone".

Rena Rolska, photo:

"We sadly bid farewell to Rena Rolska, a performer of many popular hits, sung and awarded at the National Festival of Polish Song in Opole, the International Song Festival in Sopot (among them "Złoty Pier", "Gdy w ogród botanicznie zakwitną bzy", "Jak to dziewczyna", or "Nie wieszę dziś nikt" - a song with which she won a competition on Polish Radio), a performer of the character of an unruly student called to the blackboard in the famous radio broadcast "Pondwieczorek przy mikrofonie", a distinguished member of the Association of Polish Stage Artists, with which she became associated over six decades ago" - the Association of Polish Stage Artists wrote on Tuesday on Facebook.

"After a decisive and final farewell to the stage in memorable 1981, she devoted herself to social work, for years chairing the ZASP Stage Section, one of the most active and cheerful sections of the Association, currently a member of the Management Board of the Participatory Section of Radio and Audition Creators and Artists," it added.

Rena Rolska (real name Regina Rollinger-Jonkajtys) was born on January 19, 1932 in Warsaw. She was a Polish singer and stage actress. In 1955, she made her debut at a stage concert in Warsaw's Hala Gwardii (currently Hala Mirowska). At that time, she performed as a soloist with the Polish Radio Dance Orchestra conducted by Jan Cajmer.

In the years 1956-1960, Rolska performed in the Pineska architects' cabaret. In 1961, she received the first prize in the Polish song competition for her performance of the song "Piosenka prawda Ci wiesz" (Marek Sart – Kazimierz Kord). She also performed the same composition at the Sopot '61 International Song Festival, receiving a distinction, and at the 1st National Polish Song Festival in Opole, she was distinguished in the performer category.

The singer performed at many festivals in Opole. She participated in the Mikrofon i Ekran concerts, as well as in the popular Premieres. She often traveled abroad with her own recitals, taking part in gala concerts of the Polish stage.

She performed in the Dreszczowiec cabaret with Marian Jonkajtys and, among others, Wojciech Młynarski. Her brilliant creation in the radio play "Rolska do tablica" in the radio program "Podwieczorek przy mikrofonie" has gone down in history. In the years 1971–1978, she was associated with the capital's stage of the Syrena Theatre. She ended her stage career in 1981.

Rena Rolska received the Golden Microphone twice, as well as the award of the Polish-American Artistic Agency. She performed on European stages, but also in the then USSR, the USA and Canada. In recognition of her achievements, she was awarded the Gold Medal "Zasłużony Kulturze Gloria Artis" by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage.

source - (PAP)/ep/


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