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Rural Housewives' Circles from Łódź Region awarded

Rural Housewives' Circles from Łódź Region have long distinguished by their culinary talents, original costumes and creativity, and now - during picnics or festivals - they will also stand out thanks to identical exhibition tents.


 Rural Housewives' Circles from Łódź Region, photo:

The tents are awards for promoting our region and its culture, i.e. for participating in the provincial harvest festival. On Sunday, June 2, in Rusiec, another group of housewives received awards presented by Marshal Grzegorz Schreiber.


Creativity and commitment of housewives


The distinguished groups did not disappoint and at Sunday's picnic they mostly showed up in their "corporate" outfits and beautiful wreaths.


"I have known for a long time that you are masters of the kitchen, that you create beautiful wreaths, and this year it turned out that you are very creative when it comes to fashion" - said the marshal referring to the competition "A fashionable housewife makes life beautiful", during which the women presented modern outfits inspired by folk culture, designed and made by themselves. The prize for participation were exhibition tents, which were received by 120 KGW from the entire province. Now, the same tents will be given to another 100 circles, i.e. winners of the next competition "KGW - Ambassadors of the Łódź Province", through which we wanted to appreciate the activity of women in promoting the cultural heritage of Łódź.


Joy of practical awards


The awarded women were very happy with the practical awards, which they will use to promote their activities.


"We are very active, we often take part in various festivals and picnics, and in addition, our circle, as the only one from Łódź, will represent the province in the competition for the Wife of the President of the Republic of Poland Award" - says Anna Jurek from KGW Mogilno Małe. "This tent will be useful to us on June 15 during the Dobroń Days and the Pociąg do Kolumny festival".


Plans for the future


Even sooner, because in a week's time during the Battle of Regions in Gorzkowice, KGW from Niedyszyn will set up its new tent. “We have been taking part in the provincial harvest festival since 2020 and this year we are going again, with a new tent,” says Magdalena Paździej, vice-chairwoman of the circle.


Celebrations in Rusiec


On Sunday, a total of 27 circles from seven counties, including Pajęczno, Łask, and Pabianice, received awards and congratulations from the marshal. The ladies, together with the residents of Rusiec, also took part in a picnic to celebrate Poland's 20th anniversary in the European Union. There were attractions for children, competitions for adults and a gastronomic part, but this time the hostesses were our guests.


Information about EU funds


There was also a mandatory information point about EU funds. It enjoyed great interest from residents who use EU funding, among others, for the installation of renewable energy installations.




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