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Centre for Public Opinion Research (CBOS): 85% of respondents say they will take part in local elections next Sunday

Law and Justice (PiS) electorate is the most mobilized one among all political party electorates.

photo. PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

85% of respondents declare that they will vote in this year's local elections; 7% of respondents will not participate - according to the CBOS survey.

In local government elections, one vote at its place of permanent residence.

On 7 of April 2024, the local elections to municipal and district councils and provincial assemblies will take place. There will be, as well the first round of elections for commune heads, mayors and city presidents. CBOS research shows that this year's local elections are very popular among Poles. About two weeks before election day, 83% of all eligible voters were interested in them, including 40% "very" and 43% "rather". 1% had no opinion.

As noted by CBOS, a high level of interest is associated with equally high declarations of participation in the upcoming vote. 85% of respondents declared their participation in the elections, of which 74% "definitely" and 11% "probably". 7% of respondents declared that they would not take part in the elections, including 4% who "definitely" will not take part in them, and 3% who "rather not" will take part in them. 8% of respondents do not know yet whether they will take part in the elections.

According to CBOS, people aged between 45 and 64 are more likely to go to the polls than younger people, who are least likely to want to vote. Residents of small and medium-sized towns are more likely to announce their participation in local government elections than residents of villages and larger agglomerations. Declarations of participation in voting are clearly supported by higher education, interest in politics and strong political views. People declaring left-wing rather than right-wing, and especially centrist, political beliefs declare their participation in elections more often and more decisively.

The study also shows that among the party electorates, the PiS electorate is relatively the most mobilized to participate in the upcoming vote. However, supporters of the Left and KO are only slightly less confident about their participation in the elections. However, the voters of Confederation and Third Way are relatively less mobilized.

According to the study, in the elections to provincial assemblies, the candidates of the main ruling party, KO, enjoy the greatest support (22% of declarations of support among declared election participants); fewer respondents declare their willingness to vote for PiS representatives in these elections (19%). 11% of respondents intend to vote for the candidate of the Confederation and Non-Party Local Government, 9% of Third Way, 8% of the Non-partisan Local Government Association, and 6% of the Left. 3% of respondents intend to vote for candidates of another electoral committee.

"More than every fifth declared participant in the April vote does not yet know how they will vote in the elections to provincial assemblies (22%)”. "Probably, the final decisions of this very significant percentage of undecided voters (equal to the support for the strongest party) will determine the balance of power in the provincial assemblies," noted CBOS.

The study was carried out using computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) between March 18 and 22, 2024, on a sample of adult residents of Poland (N=1,000).

Source: PAP


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