According to data from the Central Statistical Office, the average salary in February was equal to PLN 7,978.99 gross. This is an increase of 12.9% year over year.
Central Statistical Office poster on salary increase
Information from the Central Statistical Office, photo: Central Statistical Office
Published data shows that salaries in Poland are increasing month by month and are also much higher than a year ago. The Central Statistical Office reported that in February 2024, the average monthly gross salary in the enterprise sector increased nominally by 2.7% compared to January 2024.
"The increase of 2.7% in the average monthly gross salary in the enterprise sector in February compared to January was caused by, among others, an increase in salaries, payments of bonuses, prizes, overtime payments, and retirement severance pay" wrote the Central Statistical Office.
"This increase was caused by, among others, an increase in salaries, bonus payments, including annual bonuses, jubilee bonuses, payments for overtime hours worked, as well as retirement severance pay, which, in addition to basic salaries, are also included in the remuneration components," wrote the Central Statistical Office in its commentary.